Sunday 8 December 2013

Self Promotion Disscussion

“I alone cannot change the world, 
but I can cast a stone across the 
waters to create many ripples.” 

Hello everyone!

Today I would like to address this blog post to our MCF (My Clay Fantasy) group newcomers. 

Our group is very unique and very professional. It combines many well respected world known artists as well as newbies who are just starting their journey in polymer clay world. We all do respect each other and we all follow the rules of the group as a community and strongly benefit from it as individuals.
Recently after we hit 2000+ members, admins of our group noticed a problem. With the increasing number of newcomers problem with spam and self promotion has increased, too. It seems like almost everyone who just joined us is trying to force us to LIKE their page and follow their links. 

You need to understand that forcing your pages in people's faces is not going to do you any good at all.
Imagine you arrive to an artistic gallery or a museum and start shouting out loud your name and say: "LIKE ME! BUY FROM ME!" What result would you get? Next second you would be definitely taken outside the building by a security guard without further possibility to ever come back. And the most annoying part is that all those people who saw you do that would always remember you as an annoying spammer.

So this is one thing we want you to understand. My Clay Fantasy Group is not just any other random group where you can spam, advertise glasses or force others to Like your page. 
We love to see new artworks, we appreciate other artists and we love suggestions and questions. We love to discuss, we love to encourage those who is just starting and does really deserve a pat on the back and we love being friendly and fair to each other. 
I truly think that attention and popularity is something you have to deserve by working for the greater good and by truly progressing in what you do. Once I was a beginner too and I can confess that I made a lot of mistakes as well as anyone else. But now I discovered that the best way to get known and respected is to work hard for the benefit of your community, to learn a lot from those who inspire you and to try and be the best you can only be for those who really needs your support and help. A person like this will never need to shout out loud "LIKE ME, LIKE ME!"

With all respect and understanding,
Aniko Kolesnikova and admins of My Clay Fantasy.


  1. Your comments apply to daily living as well as to our group. Building each other up creates a strong community. Thanks for writing this Aniko

  2. Thank you Linda. I didn't wanted to sound harsh towards all newbies as some of them do respect the rules and are showing great respect to the community. I just felt like educating other naughty ones instead of just banning them without further notice. I believe everyone deserves an explanation of their mistakes and a second chance after a short educational notation xxx.

  3. Good article. I was wondering about things like that, and I I am annoyed by spam, it was interesting to see how other people view it too.

  4. Agreed. And tbh I can't see the point with people promoting and trying to sell their stuff to a community with individuals that themselves are making similar creations, that is just really bad, bad marketing as well.
    Besides I feel like most of us join a community like this one to share ideas and appreciate one's creations, and the silly self-promoting just takes away the relaxed feeling of that.

  5. Well said. I know the spam Links are horrible. I remove several daily. :(. Hugs its hard to keep up with a growing group. We just have to tag admin when we see spammers and keep at it. I have emailed many and said please re-post your creations without links to a page and they have. Seems to work well :).. That is all we can do.
